American Community Survey: 2005 Transportation Profile
Geographic Area1:  Massachusetts
Selected Characteristics1 1990 2000 2005 ACS 2005 ACS    MOE 3
Persons in Household 5,802,118 6,127,881 6,182,860 *****4
Households   2,247,110 2,443,580 2,448,032 +/-10,748
Persons per household 2.58 2.51 2.53 *****
    Includes GQ pop Does not include GQ Pop
Total Persons 6,016,425 6,349,097 na na
Total Employed2 3,043,863 3,166,527 3,125,314 *****
Workers at Work 2,979,594 3,102,837 3,030,720 +/-17,055
Mode to work1 1990 2000 2005 ACS
Includes GQ pop Does not include GQ Pop
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent MOE (%)
Total Workers   2,979,594 100.0 3,102,837 100.0 3,030,720 100.0   ---
Drove alone   2,148,065 72.1 2,290,258 73.8 2,272,445 75.0 +/- 0.5
2-person carpool   263,394 8.8 230,437 7.4 200,889 6.6 +/- 0.3
3-person carpool   32,591 1.1 30,222 1.0 36,751 1.2 +/- 0.1
4-person carpool   9,900 0.3 9,342 0.3 9,661 0.3 +/- 0.1
5-or-6-person carpool   5,630 0.2 5,269 0.2 4,051 0.1 +/- 0.0
7-or-more-person carpool 6,511 0.2 3,841 0.1 5,305 0.2 +/- 0.0
Bus or trolley bus   103,010 3.5 88,595 2.9 82,439 2.7 +/- 0.2
Streetcar or trolley car   17,334 0.6 12,355 0.4 10,958 0.4 +/- 0.1
Subway or elevated   90,455 3.0 113,857 3.7 102,508 3.4 +/- 0.2
Railroad   28,469 1.0 46,263 1.5 48,590 1.6 +/- 0.1
Ferryboat   1,918 0.1 3,125 0.1 2,361 0.1 +/- 0.0
Bicycle   11,285 0.4 12,355 0.4 11,967 0.4 +/- 0.1
Walked   161,820 5.4 134,566 4.3 114,505 3.8 +/- 0.3
Taxicab   6,195 0.2 6,547 0.2 4,269 0.1 +/- 0.0
Motorcycle   2,149 0.1 1,604 0.1 3,040 0.1 +/- 0.0
Other means   16,013 0.5 16,697 0.5 18,258 0.6 +/- 0.1
Worked at home   74,855 2.5 97,504 3.1 102,723 3.4 +/- 0.2
Travel time to work  (Universe = Workers who did not work at home)1
Workers (Did not work at home) 2,904,739 100.0 3,005,333 100.0 2,927,997 100.0   ---
Less than 5 minutes 102,183 3.5 85,006 2.8 78,881 2.7 +/- 0.2
5 to 9 361,194 12.4 306,086 10.2 279,733 9.6 +/- 0.3
10 to 14 469,108 16.1 426,161 14.2 405,574 13.9 +/- 0.4
15 to 19 463,341 16.0 423,798 14.1 415,002 14.2 +/- 0.4
20 to 29 557,787 19.2 578,159 19.2 562,612 19.2 +/- 0.4
30 to 44 564,104 19.4 634,385 21.1 621,237 21.2 +/- 0.4
45- 59 216,450 7.5 275,413 9.2 274,441 9.4 +/- 0.3
60 or more 170,572 5.9 276,325 9.2 290,517 9.9 +/- 0.3
Mean travel time (minutes) 22.7 (X) 27.0 (X) 27.0 (X) +/- 0.33
Departure Time to  Work1
Workers (Did not work at home) 2,904,739 100.0 3,005,333 100.0 2,927,997 100.0   ---
5:00 - 5:59 a.m. 134,639 4.6 180,613 6.0 193,887 6.6 +/- 0.3
6:00 - 6:59 a.m. 543,826 18.7 553,903 18.4 572,625 19.6 +/- 0.4
7:00 - 7:59 a.m. 892,924 30.7 911,929 30.3 840,437 28.7 +/- 0.5
8:00 - 8:59 a.m. 638,109 22.0 623,554 20.7 596,392 20.4 +/- 0.4
9:00 - 10:59 a.m. 223,152 7.7 250,045 8.3 264,105 9.0 +/- 0.4
11:00 a.m. - 3:59 p.m. 241,950 8.3 239,252 8.0 234,872 8.0 +/- 0.3
4:00 p.m. - 4:59 a.m. 230,139 7.9 246,037 8.2 225,679 7.7 +/- 0.3
1. Please read notes.htm
2. Total Employed includes Civilian Employed and those working in the Armed Forces.
3. MOE: Margin of Error.  Please see notes.htm.  MOE could not be calculated for Total Employed.
4. ***** Cannot be calculated.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau - 1990 STF1, 1990 STF3, 2000 SF1, 2000 SF3, 2005 ACS.
American Community Survey: 2005 Transportation Profile
Geographic Area1:  Massachusetts
(Universe = Workers who did not work at home)2
  Mean travel time (mins.) Total Less than 10 minutes 10 to 19 minutes 20 to 29 minutes 30 to 44 minutes 45 -59 minutes 60/more minutes
Total   2000 27.0 3,005,330 391,090 849,960 578,160 634,390 275,415 276,330
2005 27.0 2,927,997 358,614 820,576 562,612 621,237 274,441 290,517
2005 MOE +/-0.33 +/-17,426 +/-10,218 +/-15,900 +/-12,126 +/-12,830 +/-9,293 +/-9,018
Drove alone  2000 25.7 2,290,260 290,365 682,870 470,945 480,535 195,235 170,315
2005 25.7 2,272,445 276,908 665,938 466,712 484,817 195,808 182,262
2005 MOE +/-0.37 +/-20,433 +/-8,744 +/-15,158 +/-11,933 +/-11,592 +/-7,781 +/-6,704
2-person carpool 2000 26.4 230,435 28,400 72,255 43,340 46,595 19,230 20,620
2005 26.9 200,889 22,011 62,101 36,142 40,283 19,777 20,575
2005 MOE +/-1.93 +/-9,032 +/-3,174 +/-4,491 +/-3,587 +/-3,627 +/-3,069 +/-2,599
3+ carpool 2000 32.3 48,670 4,335 12,560 8,230 10,610 5,160 7,780
2005 31.8 55,768 5,486 14,854 7,293 13,570 4,620 9,945
2005 MOE +/-4.39 +/-4,796 +/-1,242 +/-2,947 +/-1,462 +/-2,376 +/-1,144 +/-2,338
Bus or trolley bus 2000 39.5 88,595 1,435 12,120 14,480 28,260 14,065 18,235
2005 38.9 82,439 2,113 12,013 12,859 25,116 12,892 17,446
2005 MOE +/-4.01 +/-5,697 +/-779 +/-2,306 +/-2,750 +/-3,219 +/-1,899 +/-2,455
All other transit3 2000 46.6 175,600 700 7,580 20,165 55,550 39,025 52,580
2005 49.0 164,417 SSS 5,398 18,101 46,935 37,214 56,386
2005 MOE +/-3.53 +/-7,435 SSS +/-1,330 +/-2,780 +/-3,677 +/-3,453 +/-4,339
All other modes4 2000 16.6 171,770 65,860 62,580 21,005 12,835 2,695 6,795
2005 15.2 152,039 51,713 60,272 21,505 10,516 4,130 3,903
2005 MOE +/-1.51 +/-8,908 +/-4,233 +/-6,040 +/-2,980 +/-1,656 +/-1,254 +/-1,045
(Universe = Workers who did not work at home)
Percent of Workers   Mean travel time (mins.)1 Total Less than 10 minutes 10 to 19 minutes 20 to 29 minutes 30 to 44 minutes 45 -59 minutes 60/more minutes
Total   2000 27.0 100.0 13.0 28.3 19.2 21.1 9.2 9.2
2005 27.0 100.0 12.2 28.0 19.2 21.2 9.4 9.9
2005 MOE +/-0.33 ***** +/-0.6 +/-0.6 +/-0.6 +/-0.6 +/-0.6 +/-0.6
Drove alone  2000 25.7 100.0 12.7 29.8 20.6 21.0 8.5 7.4
2005 25.7 100.0 12.2 29.3 20.5 21.3 8.6 8.0
2005 MOE +/-0.37 ***** +/-0.9 +/-0.9 +/-0.9 +/-0.9 +/-0.9 +/-0.9
2-person carpool 2000 26.4 100.0 12.3 31.4 18.8 20.2 8.3 8.9
2005 26.9 100.0 11.0 30.9 18.0 20.1 9.8 10.2
2005 MOE +/-1.93 ***** +/-4.5 +/-4.4 +/-4.5 +/-4.5 +/-4.5 +/-4.5
3+ carpool 2000 32.3 100.0 8.9 25.8 16.9 21.8 10.6 16.0
2005 31.8 100.0 9.8 26.6 13.1 24.3 8.3 17.8
2005 MOE +/-4.39 ***** +/-8.6 +/-8.5 +/-8.6 +/-8.5 +/-8.6 +/-8.6
Bus or trolley bus 2000 39.5 100.0 1.6 13.7 16.3 31.9 15.9 20.6
2005 38.9 100.0 2.6 14.6 15.6 30.5 15.6 21.2
2005 MOE +/-4.01 ***** +/-6.9 +/-6.9 +/-6.9 +/-6.8 +/-6.9 +/-6.9
All other transit3 2000 46.6 100.0 0.4 4.3 11.5 31.6 22.2 29.9
2005 49.0 100.0 SSS 3.3 11.0 28.5 22.6 34.3
2005 MOE +/-3.53 ***** SSS +/-4.5 +/-4.5 +/-4.5 +/-4.5 +/-4.4
All other modes4 2000 16.6 100.0 38.3 36.4 12.2 7.5 1.6 4.0
2005 15.2 100.0 34.0 39.6 14.1 6.9 2.7 2.6
2005 MOE +/-1.51 ***** +/-5.8 +/-5.6 +/-5.9 +/-5.9 +/-5.9 +/-5.9
1. Please read notes.htm
2. ACS did not include group quarter population.  For more information, please read notes.htm
3. Includes streetcar/trolley car, subway/elevated, railroad, and ferryboat.
4. Includes bicycle, walk, motorcycle, taxicab, or other means.
SSS: Not shown because weighted total by mode is less than 500.
***** Cannot be calculated.