American Community Survey: 2005 Transportation Profile
Geographic Area1:  Philadelphia-Camden-Vineland, PA-NJ-DE-MD
Selected Characteristics1 1990 2000 2005 ACS 2005 ACS    MOE 3
Persons in Household 5,418,951 5,648,087 5,784,351 *****4
Households   2,037,163 2,183,547 2,216,080 +/-9,473
Persons per household 2.66 2.59 2.61 *****
    Includes GQ pop Does not include GQ Pop
Total Persons 5,573,521 5,833,585 na na
Total Employed2 2,687,844 2,713,610 2,775,250 *****
Workers at Work 2,631,997 2,658,724 2,691,364 +/-18,106
Mode to work1 1990 2000 2005 ACS
Includes GQ pop Does not include GQ Pop
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent MOE (%)
Total Workers   2,631,997 100.0 2,658,724 100.0 2,691,364 100.0   ---
Drove alone   1,815,521 69.0 1,945,638 73.2 2,003,884 74.5 +/- 0.4
2-person carpool   256,066 9.7 219,390 8.3 189,506 7.0 +/- 0.3
3-person carpool   39,841 1.5 34,003 1.3 36,019 1.3 +/- 0.2
4-person carpool   13,302 0.5 10,820 0.4 8,571 0.3 +/- 0.1
5-or-6-person carpool   4,442 0.2 4,739 0.2 9,413 0.3 +/- 0.2
7-or-more-person carpool 5,179 0.2 3,649 0.1 5,270 0.2 +/- 0.1
Bus or trolley bus   151,841 5.8 136,018 5.1 136,584 5.1 +/- 0.3
Streetcar or trolley car   9,803 0.4 4,805 0.2 4,442 0.2 +/- 0.0
Subway or elevated   62,186 2.4 41,887 1.6 35,716 1.3 +/- 0.1
Railroad   48,145 1.8 50,922 1.9 55,206 2.1 +/- 0.2
Ferryboat   246 0.0 203 0.0 0 0.0 +/- 0.0
Bicycle   8,562 0.3 8,628 0.3 8,508 0.3 +/- 0.1
Walked   137,376 5.2 102,419 3.9 88,907 3.3 +/- 0.2
Taxicab   2,144 0.1 2,596 0.1 2,742 0.1 +/- 0.0
Motorcycle   2,583 0.1 1,816 0.1 2,118 0.1 +/- 0.0
Other means   15,711 0.6 14,821 0.6 17,078 0.6 +/- 0.1
Worked at home   59,049 2.2 76,370 2.9 87,400 3.2 +/- 0.2
Travel time to work  (Universe = Workers who did not work at home)1
Workers (Did not work at home) 2,572,948 100.0 2,582,354 100.0 2,603,964 100.0   ---
Less than 5 minutes 75,997 3.0 64,830 2.5 67,740 2.6 +/- 0.2
5 to 9 259,077 10.1 229,603 8.9 231,907 8.9 +/- 0.3
10 to 14 370,776 14.4 331,328 12.8 319,739 12.3 +/- 0.4
15 to 19 395,859 15.4 359,692 13.9 356,697 13.7 +/- 0.4
20 to 29 531,295 20.6 525,620 20.4 533,924 20.5 +/- 0.5
30 to 44 546,054 21.2 569,318 22.0 577,630 22.2 +/- 0.5
45- 59 227,883 8.9 253,717 9.8 261,748 10.1 +/- 0.3
60 or more 166,007 6.5 248,246 9.6 254,579 9.8 +/- 0.3
Mean travel time (minutes) 24.2 (X) 28.1 (X) 28.2 (X) +/- 0.41
Departure Time to  Work1
Workers (Did not work at home) 2,572,948 100.0 2,582,354 100.0 2,603,964 100.0   ---
5:00 - 5:59 a.m. 115,330 4.5 151,012 5.8 188,140 7.2 +/- 0.3
6:00 - 6:59 a.m. 481,382 18.7 481,496 18.6 496,874 19.1 +/- 0.4
7:00 - 7:59 a.m. 835,000 32.5 807,528 31.3 739,122 28.4 +/- 0.5
8:00 - 8:59 a.m. 542,525 21.1 510,376 19.8 519,807 20.0 +/- 0.4
9:00 - 10:59 a.m. 193,336 7.5 207,568 8.0 219,677 8.4 +/- 0.3
11:00 a.m. - 3:59 p.m. 190,407 7.4 193,441 7.5 198,957 7.6 +/- 0.4
4:00 p.m. - 4:59 a.m. 214,968 8.4 230,933 8.9 241,387 9.3 +/- 0.3
1. Please read notes.htm
2. Total Employed includes Civilian Employed and those working in the Armed Forces.
3. MOE: Margin of Error.  Please see notes.htm.  MOE could not be calculated for Total Employed.
4. ***** Cannot be calculated.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau - 1990 STF1, 1990 STF3, 2000 SF1, 2000 SF3, 2005 ACS.
American Community Survey: 2005 Transportation Profile
Geographic Area1:  Philadelphia-Camden-Vineland, PA-NJ-DE-MD
(Universe = Workers who did not work at home)2
  Mean travel time (mins.) Total Less than 10 minutes 10 to 19 minutes 20 to 29 minutes 30 to 44 minutes 45 -59 minutes 60/more minutes
Total   2000 28.1 2,582,355 294,435 691,025 525,620 569,315 253,730 248,255
2005 28.2 2,603,964 299,647 676,436 533,924 577,630 261,748 254,579
2005 MOE +/-0.41 +/-18,231 +/-8,038 +/-13,782 +/-13,430 +/-14,423 +/-8,923 +/-7,830
Drove alone  2000 26.4 1,945,640 215,240 551,105 427,635 431,380 176,345 143,930
2005 26.6 2,003,884 230,204 548,392 439,111 443,892 189,191 153,094
2005 MOE +/-0.44 +/-17,799 +/-6,374 +/-11,747 +/-10,998 +/-11,281 +/-8,067 +/-6,587
2-person carpool 2000 27.2 219,385 23,965 63,165 44,560 48,540 20,864 18,310
2005 26.8 189,506 22,442 53,025 35,467 44,383 17,782 16,407
2005 MOE +/-1.94 +/-8,237 +/-2,839 +/-4,660 +/-3,817 +/-4,086 +/-2,242 +/-2,448
3+ carpool 2000 32.7 53,215 4,540 11,370 10,318 13,037 6,145 7,807
2005 32.7 59,273 5,270 11,402 13,918 13,615 5,815 9,253
2005 MOE +/-5.16 +/-6,521 +/-1,654 +/-2,087 +/-4,816 +/-2,211 +/-1,632 +/-2,113
Bus or trolley bus 2000 46.4 136,020 1,950 13,345 18,575 38,519 23,603 40,054
2005 46.3 136,584 1,961 12,700 20,520 39,243 24,084 38,076
2005 MOE +/-4.23 +/-7,881 +/-774 +/-2,061 +/-3,110 +/-5,202 +/-3,367 +/-3,981
All other transit3 2000 50.9 97,830 395 3,907 9,487 26,865 24,080 33,092
2005 51.4 95,364 SSS 2,666 10,332 26,197 23,086 32,789
2005 MOE +/-4.74 +/-5,930 SSS +/-922 +/-1,827 +/-2,779 +/-2,935 +/-3,089
All other modes4 2000 16.8 130,275 48,355 48,115 15,075 10,976 2,673 5,061
2005 16.4 119,353 39,476 48,251 14,576 10,300 1,790 4,960
2005 MOE +/-1.69 +/-6,579 +/-3,655 +/-4,767 +/-2,038 +/-1,811 +/-577 +/-1,534
(Universe = Workers who did not work at home)
Percent of Workers   Mean travel time (mins.)1 Total Less than 10 minutes 10 to 19 minutes 20 to 29 minutes 30 to 44 minutes 45 -59 minutes 60/more minutes
Total   2000 28.1 100.0 11.4 26.8 20.4 22.0 9.8 9.6
2005 28.2 100.0 11.5 26.0 20.5 22.2 10.1 9.8
2005 MOE +/-0.41 ***** +/-0.7 +/-0.7 +/-0.7 +/-0.7 +/-0.7 +/-0.7
Drove alone  2000 26.4 100.0 11.1 28.3 22.0 22.2 9.1 7.4
2005 26.6 100.0 11.5 27.4 21.9 22.2 9.4 7.6
2005 MOE +/-0.44 ***** +/-0.9 +/-0.9 +/-0.9 +/-0.9 +/-0.9 +/-0.9
2-person carpool 2000 27.2 100.0 10.9 28.8 20.3 22.1 9.5 8.3
2005 26.8 100.0 11.8 28.0 18.7 23.4 9.4 8.7
2005 MOE +/-1.94 ***** +/-4.3 +/-4.3 +/-4.3 +/-4.3 +/-4.3 +/-4.3
3+ carpool 2000 32.7 100.0 8.5 21.4 19.4 24.5 11.5 14.7
2005 32.7 100.0 8.9 19.2 23.5 23.0 9.8 15.6
2005 MOE +/-5.16 ***** +/-11.0 +/-11.0 +/-10.8 +/-11.0 +/-11.0 +/-11.0
Bus or trolley bus 2000 46.4 100.0 1.4 9.8 13.7 28.3 17.4 29.4
2005 46.3 100.0 1.4 9.3 15.0 28.7 17.6 27.9
2005 MOE +/-4.23 ***** +/-5.8 +/-5.8 +/-5.8 +/-5.7 +/-5.8 +/-5.7
All other transit3 2000 50.9 100.0 0.4 4.0 9.7 27.5 24.6 33.8
2005 51.4 100.0 SSS 2.8 10.8 27.5 24.2 34.4
2005 MOE +/-4.74 ***** SSS +/-6.2 +/-6.2 +/-6.2 +/-6.2 +/-6.1
All other modes4 2000 16.8 100.0 37.1 36.9 11.6 8.4 2.1 3.9
2005 16.4 100.0 33.1 40.4 12.2 8.6 1.5 4.2
2005 MOE +/-1.69 ***** +/-5.4 +/-5.3 +/-5.5 +/-5.5 +/-5.5 +/-5.5
1. Please read notes.htm
2. ACS did not include group quarter population.  For more information, please read notes.htm
3. Includes streetcar/trolley car, subway/elevated, railroad, and ferryboat.
4. Includes bicycle, walk, motorcycle, taxicab, or other means.
SSS: Not shown because weighted total by mode is less than 500.
***** Cannot be calculated.