American Community Survey: 2005 Transportation Profile
Geographic Area1:  Seattle-Tacoma-Olympia, WA
Selected Characteristics1 1990 2000 2005 ACS 2005 ACS    MOE 3
Persons in Household 2,935,566 3,521,491 3,721,433 *****4
Households   1,169,926 1,411,305 1,512,909 +/-6,916
Persons per household 2.51 2.50 2.46 *****
    Includes GQ pop Does not include GQ Pop
Total Persons 3,008,669 3,604,165 na na
Total Employed2 1,542,616 1,832,834 1,889,717 *****
Workers at Work 1,513,871 1,795,261 1,831,457 +/-13,711
Mode to work1 1990 2000 2005 ACS
Includes GQ pop Does not include GQ Pop
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent MOE (%)
Total Workers   1,513,871 100.0 1,795,261 100.0 1,831,457 100.0   ---
Drove alone   1,106,641 73.1 1,286,445 71.7 1,331,152 72.7 +/- 0.6
2-person carpool   149,187 9.9 184,193 10.3 176,038 9.6 +/- 0.5
3-person carpool   21,707 1.4 27,408 1.5 25,547 1.4 +/- 0.1
4-person carpool   6,344 0.4 8,487 0.5 7,974 0.4 +/- 0.1
5-or-6-person carpool   2,446 0.2 4,852 0.3 4,471 0.2 +/- 0.1
7-or-more-person carpool 4,279 0.3 5,785 0.3 5,787 0.3 +/- 0.1
Bus or trolley bus   84,465 5.6 109,443 6.1 107,915 5.9 +/- 0.3
Streetcar or trolley car   196 0.0 395 0.0 0 0.0 +/- 0.0
Subway or elevated   167 0.0 328 0.0 116 0.0 +/- 0.0
Railroad   66 0.0 168 0.0 3,998 0.2 +/- 0.1
Ferryboat   5,905 0.4 8,676 0.5 8,402 0.5 +/- 0.1
Bicycle   7,997 0.5 10,763 0.6 13,144 0.7 +/- 0.1
Walked   54,497 3.6 56,633 3.2 47,264 2.6 +/- 0.2
Taxicab   808 0.1 1,139 0.1 1,504 0.1 +/- 0.1
Motorcycle   5,386 0.4 3,131 0.2 6,762 0.4 +/- 0.1
Other means   9,657 0.6 12,001 0.7 10,968 0.6 +/- 0.1
Worked at home   54,123 3.6 75,414 4.2 80,415 4.4 +/- 0.3
Travel time to work  (Universe = Workers who did not work at home)1
Workers (Did not work at home) 1,459,748 100.0 1,719,847 100.0 1,751,042 100.0   ---
Less than 5 minutes 39,916 2.7 42,870 2.5 45,581 2.6 +/- 0.2
5 to 9 135,426 9.3 142,607 8.3 146,188 8.3 +/- 0.4
10 to 14 204,139 14.0 217,238 12.6 219,239 12.5 +/- 0.5
15 to 19 238,804 16.4 253,540 14.7 253,522 14.5 +/- 0.5
20 to 29 331,348 22.7 374,526 21.8 377,678 21.6 +/- 0.6
30 to 44 312,346 21.4 382,077 22.2 395,973 22.6 +/- 0.6
45- 59 110,595 7.6 150,335 8.7 157,284 9.0 +/- 0.4
60 or more 87,174 6.0 156,654 9.1 155,577 8.9 +/- 0.4
Mean travel time (minutes) 24.1 (X) 27.7 (X) 27.1 (X) +/- 0.40
Departure Time to  Work1
Workers (Did not work at home) 1,459,748 100.0 1,719,847 100.0 1,751,042 100.0   ---
5:00 - 5:59 a.m. 137,132 9.4 170,439 9.9 186,329 10.6 +/- 0.4
6:00 - 6:59 a.m. 330,136 22.6 350,697 20.4 360,255 20.6 +/- 0.6
7:00 - 7:59 a.m. 413,688 28.3 461,348 26.8 433,822 24.8 +/- 0.6
8:00 - 8:59 a.m. 212,770 14.6 260,990 15.2 273,943 15.6 +/- 0.5
9:00 - 10:59 a.m. 107,955 7.4 157,498 9.2 173,977 9.9 +/- 0.4
11:00 a.m. - 3:59 p.m. 131,860 9.0 143,883 8.4 142,582 8.1 +/- 0.4
4:00 p.m. - 4:59 a.m. 126,207 8.6 174,992 10.2 180,134 10.3 +/- 0.4
1. Please read notes.htm
2. Total Employed includes Civilian Employed and those working in the Armed Forces.
3. MOE: Margin of Error.  Please see notes.htm.  MOE could not be calculated for Total Employed.
4. ***** Cannot be calculated.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau - 1990 STF1, 1990 STF3, 2000 SF1, 2000 SF3, 2005 ACS.
American Community Survey: 2005 Transportation Profile
Geographic Area1:  Seattle-Tacoma-Olympia, WA
(Universe = Workers who did not work at home)2
  Mean travel time (mins.) Total Less than 10 minutes 10 to 19 minutes 20 to 29 minutes 30 to 44 minutes 45 -59 minutes 60/more minutes
Total   2000 27.7 1,719,835 185,475 470,775 374,525 382,080 150,340 156,655
2005 27.1 1,751,042 191,769 472,761 377,678 395,973 157,284 155,577
2005 MOE +/-0.4 +/-13,309 +/-7,121 +/-12,229 +/-10,982 +/-11,338 +/-7,435 +/-6,442
Drove alone  2000 25.9 1,286,440 136,065 377,230 298,360 282,545 103,330 88,940
2005 25.4 1,331,152 146,015 384,661 303,239 294,912 113,172 89,153
2005 MOE +/-0.49 +/-15,118 +/-6,730 +/-10,985 +/-10,005 +/-9,616 +/-6,053 +/-4,925
2-person carpool 2000 29.3 184,190 15,340 47,530 39,510 44,375 18,044 19,380
2005 28.5 176,038 13,043 44,040 39,204 47,918 16,820 15,013
2005 MOE +/-2.21 +/-8,953 +/-2,295 +/-4,719 +/-4,272 +/-5,764 +/-2,348 +/-1,944
3+ carpool 2000 36.9 46,535 2,658 9,219 7,584 11,608 6,556 8,893
2005 38.7 43,779 2,143 8,416 6,867 11,237 5,613 9,503
2005 MOE +/-5.2 +/-3,620 +/-657 +/-1,685 +/-1,605 +/-1,929 +/-1,171 +/-1,848
Bus or trolley bus 2000 42.0 109,440 1,170 10,585 18,290 34,469 19,381 25,540
2005 41.4 107,915 1,950 12,178 15,995 32,484 18,041 27,267
2005 MOE +/-3.36 +/-5,444 +/-1,042 +/-2,633 +/-2,453 +/-3,306 +/-2,053 +/-3,091
All other transit3 2000 80.5 9,575 60 163 165 565 713 7,916
2005 77.3 12,516 SSS SSS SSS 829 1,535 9,872
2005 MOE +/-19.05 +/-2,044 SSS SSS SSS +/-627 +/-729 +/-1,830
All other modes4 2000 21.9 83,670 30,179 26,060 10,593 8,500 2,311 6,026
2005 19.2 79,642 28,618 23,366 12,193 8,593 2,103 4,769
2005 MOE +/-2.23 +/-4,602 +/-2,995 +/-2,386 +/-1,676 +/-1,376 +/-815 +/-1,131
(Universe = Workers who did not work at home)
Percent of Workers   Mean travel time (mins.)1 Total Less than 10 minutes 10 to 19 minutes 20 to 29 minutes 30 to 44 minutes 45 -59 minutes 60/more minutes
Total   2000 27.7 100.0 10.8 27.4 21.8 22.2 8.7 9.1
2005 27.1 100.0 11.0 27.0 21.6 22.6 9.0 8.9
2005 MOE +/-0.4 ***** +/-0.8 +/-0.7 +/-0.7 +/-0.7 +/-0.8 +/-0.8
Drove alone  2000 25.9 100.0 10.6 29.3 23.2 22.0 8.0 6.9
2005 25.4 100.0 11.0 28.9 22.8 22.2 8.5 6.7
2005 MOE +/-0.49 ***** +/-1.1 +/-1.1 +/-1.1 +/-1.1 +/-1.1 +/-1.1
2-person carpool 2000 29.3 100.0 8.3 25.8 21.5 24.1 9.8 10.5
2005 28.5 100.0 7.4 25.0 22.3 27.2 9.6 8.5
2005 MOE +/-2.21 ***** +/-5.1 +/-5.0 +/-5.1 +/-5.0 +/-5.1 +/-5.1
3+ carpool 2000 36.9 100.0 5.7 19.8 16.3 24.9 14.1 19.1
2005 38.7 100.0 4.9 19.2 15.7 25.7 12.8 21.7
2005 MOE +/-5.2 ***** +/-8.3 +/-8.2 +/-8.2 +/-8.2 +/-8.3 +/-8.2
Bus or trolley bus 2000 42.0 100.0 1.1 9.7 16.7 31.5 17.7 23.3
2005 41.4 100.0 1.8 11.3 14.8 30.1 16.7 25.3
2005 MOE +/-3.36 ***** +/-5.0 +/-5.0 +/-5.0 +/-5.0 +/-5.0 +/-5.0
All other transit3 2000 80.5 100.0 0.6 1.7 1.7 5.9 7.4 82.7
2005 77.3 100.0 SSS SSS SSS 6.6 12.3 78.9
2005 MOE +/-19.05 ***** SSS SSS SSS +/-16.3 +/-16.3 +/-11.6
All other modes4 2000 21.9 100.0 36.1 31.1 12.7 10.2 2.8 7.2
2005 19.2 100.0 35.9 29.3 15.3 10.8 2.6 6.0
2005 MOE +/-2.23 ***** +/-5.6 +/-5.7 +/-5.8 +/-5.8 +/-5.8 +/-5.8
1. Please read notes.htm
2. ACS did not include group quarter population.  For more information, please read notes.htm
3. Includes streetcar/trolley car, subway/elevated, railroad, and ferryboat.
4. Includes bicycle, walk, motorcycle, taxicab, or other means.
SSS: Not shown because weighted total by mode is less than 500.
***** Cannot be calculated.