American Community Survey: 2005 Transportation Profile
Geographic Area1:  St. Louis-St. Charles-Farmington, MO-IL
Selected Characteristics1 1990 2000 2005 ACS 2005 ACS    MOE 3
Persons in Household 2,579,051 2,693,633 2,780,470 *****4
Households   992,647 1,069,072 1,108,210 +/-6,066
Persons per household 2.60 2.52 2.51 *****
    Includes GQ pop Does not include GQ Pop
Total Persons 2,629,801 2,754,328 na na
Total Employed2 1,240,257 1,322,955 1,375,136 *****
Workers at Work 1,218,894 1,301,805 1,337,785 +/-9,497
Mode to work1 1990 2000 2005 ACS
Includes GQ pop Does not include GQ Pop
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent MOE (%)
Total Workers   1,218,894 100.0 1,301,805 100.0 1,337,785 100.0   ---
Drove alone   966,927 79.3 1,073,331 82.4 1,115,046 83.4 +/- 0.6
2-person carpool   119,888 9.8 107,225 8.2 99,180 7.4 +/- 0.5
3-person carpool   17,370 1.4 15,055 1.2 13,947 1.0 +/- 0.2
4-person carpool   6,369 0.5 4,498 0.3 3,174 0.2 +/- 0.1
5-or-6-person carpool   2,364 0.2 2,327 0.2 1,574 0.1 +/- 0.0
7-or-more-person carpool 5,361 0.4 1,755 0.1 2,253 0.2 +/- 0.1
Bus or trolley bus   32,447 2.7 25,580 2.0 24,981 1.9 +/- 0.2
Streetcar or trolley car   169 0.0 497 0.0 942 0.1 +/- 0.0
Subway or elevated   52 0.0 2,324 0.2 2,569 0.2 +/- 0.1
Railroad   41 0.0 428 0.0 1,012 0.1 +/- 0.0
Ferryboat   33 0.0 62 0.0 0 0.0 +/- 0.0
Bicycle   1,493 0.1 1,507 0.1 1,607 0.1 +/- 0.0
Walked   27,096 2.2 21,609 1.7 17,243 1.3 +/- 0.2
Taxicab   1,568 0.1 1,264 0.1 695 0.1 +/- 0.0
Motorcycle   852 0.1 675 0.1 1,724 0.1 +/- 0.0
Other means   6,497 0.5 6,139 0.5 9,770 0.7 +/- 0.1
Worked at home   30,367 2.5 37,529 2.9 42,068 3.1 +/- 0.3
Travel time to work  (Universe = Workers who did not work at home)1
Workers (Did not work at home) 1,188,527 100.0 1,264,276 100.0 1,295,717 100.0   ---
Less than 5 minutes 33,927 2.9 34,813 2.8 41,461 3.2 +/- 0.3
5 to 9 120,983 10.2 120,263 9.5 125,989 9.7 +/- 0.5
10 to 14 160,536 13.5 166,475 13.2 169,649 13.1 +/- 0.5
15 to 19 191,161 16.1 190,011 15.0 189,615 14.6 +/- 0.6
20 to 29 274,612 23.1 282,390 22.3 302,136 23.3 +/- 0.7
30 to 44 266,550 22.4 287,156 22.7 290,795 22.4 +/- 0.8
45- 59 85,292 7.2 106,257 8.4 106,222 8.2 +/- 0.4
60 or more 55,466 4.7 76,911 6.1 69,850 5.4 +/- 0.4
Mean travel time (minutes) 23.3 (X) 25.7 (X) 24.6 (X) +/- 0.42
Departure Time to  Work1
Workers (Did not work at home) 1,188,527 100.0 1,264,276 100.0 1,295,717 100.0   ---
5:00 - 5:59 a.m. 82,112 6.9 100,468 7.9 120,846 9.3 +/- 0.5
6:00 - 6:59 a.m. 265,472 22.3 270,847 21.4 270,384 20.9 +/- 0.7
7:00 - 7:59 a.m. 370,643 31.2 387,135 30.6 364,991 28.2 +/- 0.7
8:00 - 8:59 a.m. 180,805 15.2 185,818 14.7 197,546 15.2 +/- 0.6
9:00 - 10:59 a.m. 72,481 6.1 85,280 6.7 96,439 7.4 +/- 0.5
11:00 a.m. - 3:59 p.m. 103,125 8.7 100,847 8.0 112,005 8.6 +/- 0.6
4:00 p.m. - 4:59 a.m. 113,889 9.6 133,881 10.6 133,506 10.3 +/- 0.5
1. Please read notes.htm
2. Total Employed includes Civilian Employed and those working in the Armed Forces.
3. MOE: Margin of Error.  Please see notes.htm.  MOE could not be calculated for Total Employed.
4. ***** Cannot be calculated.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau - 1990 STF1, 1990 STF3, 2000 SF1, 2000 SF3, 2005 ACS.
American Community Survey: 2005 Transportation Profile
Geographic Area1:  St. Louis-St. Charles-Farmington, MO-IL
(Universe = Workers who did not work at home)2
  Mean travel time (mins.) Total Less than 10 minutes 10 to 19 minutes 20 to 29 minutes 30 to 44 minutes 45 -59 minutes 60/more minutes
Total   2000 25.7 1,264,275 155,075 356,480 282,390 287,150 106,260 76,905
2005 24.6 1,295,717 167,450 359,264 302,136 290,795 106,222 69,850
2005 MOE +/-0.42 +/-9,855 +/-6,728 +/-10,508 +/-9,736 +/-9,978 +/-5,439 +/-5,092
Drove alone  2000 25.0 1,073,330 127,790 309,065 248,730 247,430 86,175 54,120
2005 23.9 1,115,046 141,342 314,274 269,548 251,688 89,946 48,248
2005 MOE +/-0.49 +/-11,199 +/-6,002 +/-10,578 +/-8,988 +/-8,681 +/-5,154 +/-4,058
2-person carpool 2000 27.9 107,230 10,805 29,670 22,584 24,279 10,846 9,058
2005 27.1 99,180 10,208 26,182 20,925 24,731 8,575 8,559
2005 MOE +/-2.86 +/-6,974 +/-1,912 +/-3,445 +/-2,813 +/-3,597 +/-1,521 +/-1,716
3+ carpool 2000 33.0 23,625 2,087 5,124 4,245 5,560 2,972 3,663
2005 30.0 20,948 2,565 4,941 4,667 3,635 2,463 2,677
2005 MOE +/-6.02 +/-2,866 +/-1,023 +/-1,060 +/-1,453 +/-852 +/-747 +/-684
Bus or trolley bus 2000 46.0 25,574 378 3,043 3,446 6,712 4,702 7,326
2005 45.6 24,981 SSS 4,324 2,942 6,395 3,388 7,859
2005 MOE +/-8.74 +/-3,120 SSS +/-1,846 +/-928 +/-1,365 +/-1,111 +/-1,638
All other transit3 2000 41.0 3,306 37 352 544 910 820 622
2005 43.6 4,523 SSS SSS 609 1,172 1,222 1,227
2005 MOE +/-14.64 +/-1,039 SSS SSS +/-557 +/-457 +/-489 +/-585
All other modes4 2000 19.3 31,190 13,972 9,245 2,842 2,270 746 2,132
2005 17.4 31,039 13,246 9,266 3,445 3,174 628 1,280
2005 MOE +/-3.59 +/-3,429 +/-2,226 +/-1,674 +/-911 +/-958 +/-375 +/-548
(Universe = Workers who did not work at home)
Percent of Workers   Mean travel time (mins.)1 Total Less than 10 minutes 10 to 19 minutes 20 to 29 minutes 30 to 44 minutes 45 -59 minutes 60/more minutes
Total   2000 25.7 100.0 12.3 28.2 22.3 22.7 8.4 6.1
2005 24.6 100.0 12.9 27.7 23.3 22.4 8.2 5.4
2005 MOE +/-0.42 ***** +/-0.8 +/-0.7 +/-0.7 +/-0.7 +/-0.8 +/-0.8
Drove alone  2000 25.0 100.0 11.9 28.8 23.2 23.1 8.0 5.0
2005 23.9 100.0 12.7 28.2 24.2 22.6 8.1 4.3
2005 MOE +/-0.49 ***** +/-1.0 +/-1.0 +/-1.0 +/-1.0 +/-1.0 +/-1.0
2-person carpool 2000 27.9 100.0 10.1 27.7 21.1 22.6 10.1 8.4
2005 27.1 100.0 10.3 26.4 21.1 24.9 8.6 8.6
2005 MOE +/-2.86 ***** +/-7.0 +/-7.0 +/-7.0 +/-7.0 +/-7.0 +/-7.0
3+ carpool 2000 33.0 100.0 8.8 21.7 18.0 23.5 12.6 15.5
2005 30.0 100.0 12.2 23.6 22.3 17.4 11.8 12.8
2005 MOE +/-6.02 ***** +/-13.7 +/-13.6 +/-13.6 +/-13.7 +/-13.7 +/-13.7
Bus or trolley bus 2000 46.0 100.0 1.5 11.9 13.5 26.2 18.4 28.6
2005 45.6 100.0 SSS 17.3 11.8 25.6 13.6 31.5
2005 MOE +/-8.74 ***** SSS +/-12.4 +/-12.5 +/-12.4 +/-12.5 +/-12.3
All other transit3 2000 41.0 100.0 1.1 10.6 16.5 27.5 24.8 18.8
2005 43.6 100.0 SSS SSS 13.5 25.9 27.0 27.1
2005 MOE +/-14.64 ***** SSS SSS +/-22.9 +/-22.8 +/-22.8 +/-22.7
All other modes4 2000 19.3 100.0 44.8 29.6 9.1 7.3 2.4 6.8
2005 17.4 100.0 42.7 29.9 11.1 10.2 2.0 4.1
2005 MOE +/-3.59 ***** +/-10.6 +/-10.9 +/-11.0 +/-11.0 +/-11.0 +/-11.0
1. Please read notes.htm
2. ACS did not include group quarter population.  For more information, please read notes.htm
3. Includes streetcar/trolley car, subway/elevated, railroad, and ferryboat.
4. Includes bicycle, walk, motorcycle, taxicab, or other means.
SSS: Not shown because weighted total by mode is less than 500.
***** Cannot be calculated.