CAUTION!! Be cautious when using ACS 2005-2007 population estimates at PLACE level. The weights for ACS data are controlled by county, therefore, some of the sub-county estimates, such as city, may be problematic. For example, for the City of Albany, NY, the ACS 3-year estimate shows the population at 90,380, while 95,650 from Census 2000. A similar decrease can be found in Oakland, CA, which shows a loss of 27,000 in population between 2005-2007 ACS and Census 2000. You may prefer to use independent City totals and use the ACS values for proportions alone. |
Note: All profiles were generated by Office 2003. If you are using Office 2007, you will have to maximize the spreadsheet window for better viewing.
After selecting your areas, please click on the 'submit' button, the profile pages for those areas will be found below the 'submit' button.
These profiles include data from both the 2005-2007 American Community Survey (ACS) and the Census 2000. The Profiles are designed to give transportation planners a handy way to examine trends by including two time points. However, because the survey methods are different, users need to understand how the ACS differs from the decennial census long form in 2000. Please read the notes for more information: Notes. The profiles are available only for those areas meeting a 20,000 population threshold. Some geographies miss some or all profiles even if they have a poplulation of 20,000 or more. For these geographies, ACS source tables get suppressed because of a small number of sample cases.
A total of five transportation profiles are available. CTPP Part 1 Profiles are based on place of residence. CTPP Part 2 Profiles are based on place of work.
Part 1 Profile 1 has the following tables: Total Persons, Persons in Households, Total Households, Average Household Size, Average Vehicles per Households, Persons in Group Quarters, Total Workers and Workers at Work, Mode to Work (including collapsed version), Travel Time to Work, Departure Time to Work and Mean Travel Time by Mode to Work.
Part 1 Profile 2 has the following tables: Vehicles available in Household, Mode to Work by Poverty Status, Mode to Work by Vehicles available, Household size by Vehicles available, Vehicles available by Workers in Household, Persons in Household by Workers in Household, Household Income in Household.
Part 1 Profile 3 has two tables: Mode to Work by Travel Time and Mode to Work by Time Leaving Home.
Part 2 Profile 1 has the following tables: Total Workers, Total Workers Excluding Home-based Workers, Mean Travel Time to work, Average Vehicle Occupancy, Average Carpool size and Workers in Group Quarters, Total Workers by Sex, Mode to Work, Total Workers by Industry, Travel Time to Work and Arrival Time to Work.
Part 2 Profile 2 has one table: Mode to Work by Industry.